Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health during your retirement. This section explores strategies for maintaining and enhancing your mental well-being. Learn about stress management, mindfulness and other techniques to promote a positive and resilient mindset throughout your retirement journey.

Man resting hands on a walking stick

Information Guides

Mental Health Articles

The Science of Happiness in retirement — seven lessons for success

Whether you fear running out of money in retirement or running out of the chance to retire: here’s what you need to...

Does your job determine how you will feel in retirement?

Do you think that retirement policy should account for a person’s line of work?

Why marriage matters most for Australian retirees

Why does mental health relate to marriage?

Important health check-ups to get if you are 65+

Health problems can crop up in your later years and you may find you have a lot of appointments you need to...

Dating in retirement: how to find that connection

Dating can be difficult for anyone, but it can be quite different for older people who may have been in a long-term...

Health concerns for men over 60

When it comes to health, men can sometimes have a “she’ll be right” attitude. However, men will generally live their last 11...

Do you need a family to leave a legacy?

What will you be remembered for?

Keeping healthy physically in your old age

As we age, doing everyday tasks gets harder. There is an ache here and there, and we start to stop looking after...

Mental benefits of puzzles and brain games for older people

Brain games and puzzles provide an older person the opportunity to use their critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Myths about getting old and ageing

Ageing is a gradual process and you don’t always know what to expect. While you may see what ageing looks like from...

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